Caring for the Caregiver (C4C)
Project Dana’s Caring for the Caregiver (C4C) program offers services to family caregivers and soon to be caregivers. The goal of the program is to help alleviate the stress that comes with continuous caregiving responsibilities.
Services include public presentations, support group, counseling, and training.
Family caregivers actively caring for an individual at least 60 years old and over and still living at home are qualified to receive the following services: support groups, caregiver counseling, and caregiver training. Public presentations are open to everyone.
Public Presentations
Speakers from various professions and organizations will be invited to present topics related to caregiving and aging. Presentation schedules and location are listed in the calendar.
Caregiver Counseling
The purpose of one-on-one counseling is to assist caregivers through decision making and problem solving related to caregiving responsibilities. Counselors are flexible to meet caregiver needs in scheduling counseling sessions. Sessions can occur in person, by phone, or through Zoom.
Support Groups:
Caregivers will have the opportunity to “talk story” about their experiences and current concerns with their peers. The Project also plans outings to various locations and activities for fun and relaxation. The program’s coordinator facilitates the group meetings. Support group meetings scheduled and location are listed in the calendar.
Caregiver Training
Trainings are offered on specific issues or conditions the caregiver or their care recipient experiences.
The REACH Community training program is designed to reduce stress and burden of caregivers caring for someone with dementia or showing signs of memory loss.
Fall Prevention program offers education on lowering risks of falling at home.
Group trainings on specific topics are offered year round. Announcements are published in the events page.
Contact Maria Morales, Program Coordinator, for more details at cgsg@projectdana.org or (808)979-5365.
C4C Events

C4C Team

Maria Morales
C4C Program Coordinator

Germaine Kiyomoto-Isara
C4C Program Assistant
The Caring for the Caregiver program is a National Caregiver Support Program partially funded by the Federal Administration on Aging, Title III Older Americans Act, administered by the Executive Office on Aging, State of Hawaii through the Elderly Affairs Division, City and County of Honolulu. Grants from Hawaii Community Foundation also fund the program. Monetary donations and other contributions are appreciated to sustain the quality of the program. Project Dana has sponsored the program for 22 years.
Updated November 2023